Friday 25 November 2016

Tutorial with Peter

After our tutorial with Peter i've realised we've got loads to do next week. I'm pretty happy with where we are right now in terms of research & planning. We've got loads of different ideas between us, so i think we should try to narrow it down to one or two to make production easier. Experimentation is vital right now. Use of multiple screen is definitely set in stone now, we are all certain that we will be doing it. An idea we've come up with is projecting onto pieces that are spaced out rather than layered in a line. This means we could be projecting around the room, meaning we'll need a few projectors. I like this idea but I think for it to work all the projections will have to be of the same image & they will have to be synchronised perfectly.

I'm really happy with our group and I'm so excited to start making this project. All the ideas we are throwing around sound so creative and interesting and I really do think we are going to create something amazing!!

Things to do for next week;

  • Build a mini model of our installation - Wednesday
  • Buy material muslin from boots
  • Borrow a projector
  • Define the 4 personalities we want to portray
  • Ask lydia more in depth questions, try to get a better understanding
  • Define & narrow down our ideas

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