Justin Bower paints his subjects as de-stabilized, fractured post-humans in a nexus of interlocking spatial systems. His paintings problematize how we define ourselves in this digital and virtual age while suggesting the impossibility of grasping such a slippery notion.
His paintings reflect the increasing “control society” that we find ourselves in. By placing his turbulent subjects in an Op Art context, the familiar repeating patterns that were used to engage the eye in the 60’s, are now being deployed to act as a type of “code” permeating and invading the body/subject. Bower wants to “have the viewer feel the instability his subjects reflect”, by playing on the non-fixed features of the face and the hallucinatory effects of the Op Art, so as to engage the viewer and perhaps awaken them from a techno-slumber.

The Magician (6' x 5'), 2015 Interpolated State 1 (7' x 6'), 2015
I really like Justin Bowers work, I would be pretty interested in creating art similar to this. I really like his use of colour and the glithcyness. I also am fascinated by these pieces because I thought they were created on a computer but they are actually paintings. If I create a still images/ GIF I would like it to look something like this.
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