Thursday 24th November 2016 - Gabie
(Exhibition/Clinic Interviews/Searching for materials)
Bring: Camera (photos and videos) interviews with people, Phones for contacting and vlogging, Notebook & Pen for production meeting, Money, Lunch.
Art group
09:30 - Gabie, Aidan, Jess and Max meet outside Northwick Park Station.
Take the Metropolitain to Barbican and meet Sunny.
10:00 - Group arrive at St Paul’s Cathedral.
- Bill Viola
11:00 - Group goes to Zabludowicz Collection at Chalk Farm Station (opens at 12)
- Donna Huanca
12:00 - Lunch
01:00 - Group goes to Welcomme Collection at Euston Square Station
- Bedlam: The Asylum
Cultural identity room, identity, installation room
Tate britain
Tate modern
Knowledge group
Clinics and interviews
The Science museum - who am i
The freud museum £4
The institute of psychology
(pr) Facebook
Do homework on artist we seeing on thurs
Shooting days (next week)
Harli tree - artist
SUPER excited to see Donna Huanca tomorrow!!