Monday 5 December 2016

Flickering effect - test shots & examples

I really like this flickery, gif effect images in this music video. The images are still but they move side to side, as if they are 3D. I think this would look really good as part of our projection. I was thinking the projection could start with a full length image, moving slightly with the same effect. The person would be wearing the outfit appropriate to the personality. Then the image can cut quickly to close up or moving images of the props suitable as if disturbing the previous image- perhaps like a disturbance in the brain or a interruption? Maybe the full length image starts with the arms by the side of the body, then with the subject gripping their head as if they are having a migraine, then the cut to the props - as if they are memories?

I tried to story board some ideas relating to this glitchy idea, I didn't come up with much because I found it hard to in vision my idea.

I tried out some test shots to create a flickery effect and this is what i came up with :

I sped the images up to 20x faster and applied the 'trails' effect to one.

1 comment:

  1. most probably be using trails effect in post of our final cut
