Gaya has said that she is happy to be in our production, I'm going to ask her if she's available for some filming/ test shots at the end of the week.
- Child like
- Depressed/medicated
- ?
I have an idea:
The frame will show the person as their child like personality- stood up, portrait. The person will be surrounded by stuffed animals/soft toys/ anything connoting to childhood. Perhaps they could even be wearing childrens clothes- lots of bright colours. I've got a headband that looks like butterfly wings I think that would be a perfect prop and a bright pink dolphin soft toy. (see below) They could have their hair in pony tails, a dummy even?

I would like the child like one to be very vibrant- lots of nice colours, happy expressions.
Theres a girl from America who actually lives her life as a baby- she dresses up as one, acts like one etc. She uses it as a coping mechanism for sexual abuse in the past.
We also discussed another personality being medicated/depressed to show the more dark side of D.I.D. Use fake meds as props- maybe hospital gown sort of outfit? dark makeup, pale face, messy hair.

Start with soft, child like giggling- eventually getting darker as the personalities progress from positive to negative- turns to screams or cries
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