Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed this project! I'm most interested in art installation pieces and think thats where I am my most creative so it was perfect for me. I've enjoyed being able to build my installation rather than just filming, its been very hands on which is how I learn best.
My ideas have changed and grown throughout- although we hit a few dead ends, overall I am extremely proud of the work we have created. There was a period of time where our ideas all seemed to crumble, but after lots of gallery visits, individual research and group discussions we came to our final piece.
After seeing the installation up yesterday I am much more confident and excited to show it. We had some difficulties- heights, measurements, projectors etc, but we managed to resolve them after a few hours of experimenting.
My group have a great dynamic and most of us aren't afraid to disagree and criticize (constructively) each others ideas, which is always good. At times it was difficult because people werent expressing their ideas and opinions. I think Gabie, Sunny and Myself perhaps played strong roles throughout, but probably because we maybe have stronger opinions. We shared the responsibilities fairly, A few days have been stressful due to difficulties leading to lack of motivation, but overall the project has ran pretty smoothly.
At first I was set on creating my own idea (does the government control our identities), but I'm glad I joined Sunny and created her idea instead. Theres nothing saying I can't create my original idea in my own time. Working with mixed media has been great and I feel I've managed the workload well. Its been different to work I've created before which is great because I love trying new things and broadening my knowledge.
I would of liked to maybe meet face to face with someone with D.I.D to have the full experience and try to truly understand how they feel. I also really liked the original idea of using old TV monitors for our piece, so I plan on using them on other projects.